Tuesday, December 3, 2013

God’s Blessings Come With Giants

God’s Blessings
Come With Giants

     Here is a very interesting thing that God has been opening up to my understanding over the past week. Question, Why is it that so often when we go to God with a prayer request that is very important to us, we seem to get the opposite thing we have asked for? Maybe we are praying for the salvation of a loved one and we go to God with His promises about answering good requests like this, and instead of seeing some good sign of change in their life, they suddenly hate us, or ignore us, or never have time for us anymore. Or perhaps God seems to have promised us some good thing and instead of seeing an answer we come against a wall of impossibility or great discouragement. We all have many things we are seeking God for and we give Him His promises that He doesn’t give a stone instead of bread or a snake instead of a fish (Matt. 7:9-10) and yet, very often, it feels like we get the stone instead. So we grumble at God and get mad at Him and use these unanswered things as an excuse to go back to the world and our old lives because God hasn’t fulfilled all He said He would. We get mad at God, is all it really comes down to.
     Why is this? Why do these things cause us to turn back from serving the Lord with our whole heart and allow selfishness and rebellion to grow in our hearts against Him?

               A Gift

     When we think of a gift (Which is what God’s answers to prayer really are) we think of someone wrapping a present and giving it to us and the only part we have to do is to open and enjoy it. This is our concept of a gift. Well, God’s gifts seem to be more like if we picked out a really wonderful Bible for a child and then told him that he had to buy it himself but that we would give him a job so he could earn the money for it. It’s a gift picked out by us and made possible to earn for by us, but requires effort on the part of the child in order to receive the gift. God’s gifts are real but they require work from us. The work part, however, is not normally in our concept of what a gift is. But the gift is not less valuable because we have to work for it. God still chose it for us but He will not raise spoiled children. He wants appreciative children who will understand the value of the gift. How many times do we hear about someone who won the lottery or inherited a large fortune and they either die of a drug overdose or wish they had never won because of the devastation it brought to their family and also how quickly they became broke again? This is not how God would have us to turn out.
     The children of Israel crossed the Red Sea and the desert and when they got to God’s blessing for them they found giants and enemies and tall fortresses! God! This is not the gift You promised! Our children will be slaughtered! Better to have died in Egypt then die here instead! If this is Your blessing we wish we had never followed You! They went back into the wilderness and died. God then raised up their children to enter the land instead.
     So we see, God’s blessing came with giants. God’s blessing came with work. Work that God promised He would make them victorious in and they would indeed posses their own land flowing with milk and honey that would belong to them forever. However, they had to fight for every inch of ground. Sometimes battling in the mountains, sometimes battles on the plains. Sometimes battles with huge walls, sometimes battles with enemies to numerous to count. Each one a promised victory, but different from the last battle and requiring new faith in order to overcome the fear of the enemy. Here is the scary part. Any city they did not go up against, God left in their midst. He did not defeat them if they did not go up so these parts of their blessing were lost. They had God’s promise of victory if they had had courage but if they didn’t go they didn’t receive it.
     God’s blessing was no less a blessing because His people had to work for it. This lesson gives us a new courage and expectancy that the giants and sudden discouragements are not a sign of God’s failure to answer our prayers, but rather, that His gifts are also a job and will end in the fulfillment of all that He has promised us. This renews our courage so that when we set off with God’s promises in our hand for any area of our life and we immediately meet with things that are so discouraging that we might say in our heart, God has let me down, God has not answered me, God misled me, we can say, “God’s blessings come with giants.” God is accomplishing at least two things in this way. 1. He is training His children to be bold and courageous, like Himself, and 2. He is ridding the land of actual enemies who have been oppressing people for many years. If you have been praying for the salvation of someone, that person is in complete bondage to the devil and when you set them free by not giving up in prayer, you don’t know how many others you are setting free at the same time. Jesus says that we will bear 30, 60, and 100 fold when we start to serve Him. Everyone you set free sets others free!
     Arming ourselves with this understanding will help us to be courageous instead of discouraged and grumbling against God. So many times when we set out to pray and be a soldier for Christ, the devil just whispers something in our ear about something God hasn’t done for us and so instead of our prayer time being a time of victory over the devil we immediately turn on God and fight Him instead over all that He has failed to do in our lives! We are constantly turning on our own commander instead of fighting for Him! That is a very real truth and one of the reasons the body of Christ is so ineffective against our enemy! Working for the gift God gives does not lessen or devalue the gift. So be courageous and full of joy as you seek the Lord in prayer. The giants will be part of the promised victory and others will benefit by every answer to prayer you receive!         God bless!


  1. This definetly is a message I got to reread. My initial thoughts are what are gifts in my life that I got and get from God. Then, what gifts do I get from God that I have to work for ? Hummm...got to think on this one. I know God blesses me with gifts like he gave me my beautiful children, gives me a new day each day, my health. But as for gifts I got to work for...huummm . Claudette CT

  2. Dear Seth, So wonderful to hear from you again. GOD's word is very "sharp and cuts into us like a sword". Yes, I'm human and I love receiving gifts. From your study I understand GOD wants us in a place of submission, trust, faith before we can accept our gift. I'm understanding that it is necessary to make ourselves submissive to the power of GOD and trust that HE will deliver us from any circumstance and will also allow us the gift should HE think we are deserving of this.
    Will return to the topic after work. GOD' Blessings.
    Sophia, CT

  3. The devil is always at work in the spirit realm and on the earth to killand destroy.but god is always working in our lives.there will always be circumstances to distract us,or dissappoint us..I believe when a person we pray for starts acting wierd,it is the holy spirit that is convictng them of sin in their lives. we will all become disappointed or discouraged..what we need more of is patience.Trials bring patience to strenghten our character.we can always have excuses , but the question is will we say yes to jesus?noteveryone will like us ,we will have enemies, but god used a small boy with a stone to knock down the giant.He can use what and whatever if our hearts are willing and trusting in God.God tells us to not lose heart, be strong,and have courage.

  4. Hi sophia...God has a plan for each of us, and in that plan he gives his children each special talents to use for his honor and glory, as we grow these talents are nurtured, such as singing, playing an instrument, working with children and it takes work on our part and education. the word you used submission I think that's the key .

    1. GOD does have a plan for each of us and HE certainly has given each of us special gifts, special talents. Now everything we have and own really belong to GOD and when when we use these gifts GOD wants us to glorify us HIM with them. Going back to the Book of Genesis. The sole purpose of our creation was for us to worship GOD. HE made us for Himself. We are many decades from the creation but in this present time GOD still expects us to serve HIM with our all. Genesis 1:31 GOD wanted to have a relationship with us. and even though this was in the beginning the same it is today. Whatever GOD's gift is to us,whether it be singing, playing an instrument, working with children GOD expects us to use these to HIS benefit and glory and honor.
      Now, when I think of GIANTs accompanying gifts, like Seth says that it is good that we work to get the gift. Because we will learn how to appreciate better this gift. I think that whatever your gift be, this must and should be used to the glory of GOD. I think giants could be also those things that obstruct us, that prevent us in receiving the beautiful gift of salvation through CHRIST. And I further think that if I exercise all my strength, all my faith in GOD, (not 50% but all 100% of faith) I can become conqueror, courageous in HIS might.
      GOD's Blessings
      Sophia, CT

    2. Hi Sophia.
      You said, "God wanted to have a relationship with us," and referred it to Gen 1:31. Gen 1:31 says - "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning- the sixth day." Is that the verse you meant?
      Claudette CT

  5. Hi Claudette, So wonderful the LORD allowed for our meet. Thanks for that time :) clarifying what I said regarding Genesis. Now when you examine the BIBLE there are 66 books Genesis to Malachi. Think about this, its a journey of a particular people. Genesis speaks of our creation and how we became distracted and rebellious and through us, GOD's beautiful creation, sin entered our hearts. SIN -a separation, disconnect from GOD's plan. Now in understanding all the books, we follow the plan of GOD to reconnect to us through the his covenant with Abraham, to the nation of Israel. I think for all those years GOD''s heart must be hurting. HE loved us (His people Israel) We were just stubborn, we did everything else except what HE wanted us to do (The BIBLE- Nation of Israel). Now the Old Testament ends with Malachi, the prophet. This is the era before JESUS was born. The New Testament starts with the geneology and birth of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS. How beautiful? GOD's love for us. And thanks to our GOD because this is the time the Gentiles (US ) were grafted into the family tree of the LIVING GOD through JESUS, His son. But this is not the end b/cause each of us born into this family has a role, responsibility alongside JESUS. We have become ambassadors with him.
    Now going back to Malachi, the prophet, the last book of the Old Testament. Malachi is pleading, encouraging the people of Israel to turn away from their sins and get back to GOD. GOD was displeased and according to the book of Malachi there was a time when these "Israelites' could't hear from GOD.
    Now in the beginning of the New Testament beginning with Matthew, who comes to help us. was born into sin, the BIBLE said "HE who knew no sin was mede flesh" JESUS became our salvation.HE came to redeem us from the power of sin. SIN which caused a disconnect from the MOST HIGH GOD. How beautiful? When you feel the love of GOD in your life, it's awesome. JESUS, yes JESUS is the only way, the opened door to return to the presence of GOD. And the BIBLE says Matthew 25:34 JESUS says (words in red) "Then the King will say to those on HiS right........take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world" It is always good to read whole chapter to get full understanding of what is happening.
    Besides our natural "gifts" in life. Everyone is blessed whether you know GOD or not. The question? are we using those gifts to benefit GOD? then there are times when we pray and ask GOD for things, change in our lives; in the lives of loved ones; healing for those who are sick; the unsaved. And sometimes it will demand fasting, long days , weeks, years of prayers to GOD. Not receiving an immediate change; not receiving an immediate answer does not mean GOD will not answer. Sometimes too, the answer we receive is not what we want to hear. Regardless of time our GOD is the same yesterday, today and forever. HE is GOD, there is none other. HE is a GOD true to HIS word. HE wants our trust, our attention, and this may mean that we will have to exercise stronger faith in HIM, and through JESUS his son, will help us to conquer our "Giants"

    This is meant for sharing.

    GOD's Blessings.

    Sophia, CT

    1. To Everyone an apology; correction to 3rd line of comment. In total there are 66 books in the BIBLE we use. Genesis to Malachi is a total of 39 books, Matthew to Revelation is a total of 27 :)

      GOD's Blessings

    2. Hi Sophia dear. Can you shorten your comments for me? I can better focus on what you are trying to tell me if you use a small paragrah .
      God Bless. Claudette CT

  6. WE are told to not sin. WE are told to awaken to righteousness and sin not for you have not the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame. 1 cor 15:34. The victory of Christ is that we look at sin as an abomination (even hating the clothing of those that sin). This we can't do on our own. This is only accomplished by the grace of God. Only because of God's grace can we look upon sin as an abomination to our spirit, to God's spirit. We truly would then desire to follow after the Spirit and not lust after the flesh.
    Gal 5:16 (in the book of James; our lust is what tempts us, then comes sin, and finally death).
    Tom VT

  7. Hi Claudette, I will.

    In short, GOD created us from the beginning. First two humans placed in the garden of Eden, were made so they could praise and worship GOD who made them. But Sin, gross sin (disobedience) destroyed that close communion with GOD.

    GOD loves us so much HE sent JESUS His son to the earth. JESUS lived with us, taught us and invited us back to GOD's throne through the shedding of HIS blood.

    Salvation, redemption comes only through CHRIST.

    JESUS said and continues to say today Matthew 10:9 JESUS speaks "I am the door: by me if any man enter in he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture"

    Sin =transgression against divine Law. In Abrahamic context: sin is the act of violating GOD's will. Disobedience to GOD.
    Above the word Salvation means =deliverance from sin and its consequences.

    Our deliverance from sin came to us through JESUS

    JESUS died for all of our sins.

    In order to regain our lovely relationship with GOD we have to get washed of our sins and this is only done with us accepting JESUS, being baptized in water and making changes in one's life.

    Through disobedience to GOD's will we messed up.

    Through HIS complete love for us GOD is inviting us once more into HIS Holy presence. If we accept that we messed up (confess) and if we confess with our mouths that the LORD JESUS is our SAVIOR. We will receive pardon and enter into the Kingdom of GOD. JESUS will return to us to take all those prepared to live in the Kingdom of GOD. And all the directions to get to this place are written in the BIBLE :)

    I tried to be shorter, but I will answer any questions. I am currently using the King James Version study Bible and the NIV THOMPSON chain reference BIBLE.
    Thanks very much for helping me with my GOOGLE account.

  8. Sophia/Tom/Sandy
    You guys can...(Oh, Hi Tom VT) really help me out by giving me some examples of gifts you get from God in your life that you got to work for like the Isralites did.
    I see both Tom and Sophia are putting a big emphasis on sin in relationship to gifts we get from God but I getting confused with the topic of sin at this point in this study. I really feel I need examples of gifts you get from God that you got to work for. Can you do this for me? Give me examples please. God Bless, Claudette CT

  9. Ok Claudette, I have examined myself, and I can truthfully say that I have the gift of compassion, understanding, teaching, leadership. I am an RN by profession but I really don't have to be compassionate. I just have to do my work. e.g.. somebody has a high temperature, or is in pain. Their medications will work better for them at this time than just holding their hand. But check this out...Somebody is fearful about a procedure. My knowledge and my helping this person requires compassion, time. A family member is losing a loved one, or a patient is fearful b/c of a new diagnosis. then the gift of compassion sets forth. These are ways in which on the job I can exercise my gifts. I attribute these to GOD. I had one person say to me once "you are so calm and understanding, you help me to understand better what is happening" and at that time was able to tell/ share with that individual about praying to GOD. Another gift: I am very calm also. This attribute came with fasting and praying. (these are verbs, action words-fasting, praying) I used to become angry when people say mean things at me, even jokingly. I experience this in my family, at work. Now, I just let them alone do the talking.
    I am learning through prayer and attending church the ways in which the LORD GOD wants me to behave. Also, I have a good grasp of words and communication skills which help me bridge relationships at work. When we apply our gifts they should be acts of performance to speak and witness to the power of our LIving GOD. I do not give myself credit, only through the blessing of GOD these gifts have been made possible.

    Our gifts allow us to serve the Church (body of believers). Whether it be through praying for each other, teaching Sunday School, transporting others to church to hear the word of GOD. Cleaning the church for Services. providing meals, Giving finances to GOD's work. These are just so many areas in which we can become actively involved to demonstrate service to GOD.

    There are many people in society today who have many gifts and use this not to the glory and honor of GOD. Their actions help society, help human distress but not glorify GOD. Some of us didn't really have to go to the school of theology to learn about GOD. but people who have committed their lives to GOD use their abilities to help us to understand.

    I love this from 2 Peter 6: 5-8 Peter writes. Biblical Scholars have attest that this Book was written by Peter the Apostle.
    It begins "for this very reason make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self control; and to self control perseverance; and to perseverance godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness, love ...........they will keep you from becoming ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of your Lord Jesus Christ.

    don't want to go too far from Seth's message:) if you would like on Wednesday we can continue to search GOD's scripture. HE has so much He wants us to know.
    GOD's richest blessings.

    1. Thank you so much for your reply on gifts we have that we should use for our God. You are such a sweet person and that is a gift from God . And you use it well with people.
      Claudette. CT

  10. CLAUDETTE'S BIBLE QUESTIONDecember 15, 2013 at 7:19 AM

    Where was Satan talking to God in Job Chapter 1 verse 6 ? Does Satan go to that same place today on our behalf?

    1. Satan was in heaven.Becaause heaven is like a courtroom. And satan was like an accuser, like a prosecutor. The heaven system never changed. It is still the same. He still doing this with every single person. Adauto CT

  11. Everytime I read the bible I get answers to questions that I've had on it, at the same time, new questions pop up. In my past I have approached pastors, elders, etc with my questions, but get answers back that seem to be quick, unprepared, and do not answer my questions. If I can get answers to my questions using Seth's Bible Studies I am going to do that. :-)

    Question. In Job 8, Bildad accuses Job of not being pure, uprighteous, and godly (8:3,6,13). In response to Bildad, Job brings up the topics of God's Power(9:3-13) and His position as a Judge( 9:4-21). Why is Job bringing up these topics to defend himself against Bildad's accusations?
    Claudette CT

  12. Hi Claudia. Excuse the late response. Let's start with JOB 1:6 King James Version BIBLE.
    Job 1:6 "Now there was a day when the sons of GOD came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them."

    We can first ask ourselves "who is Satan?" According to the BIBLE, Satan is the Devil, the Adversary. He is the opposition. He opposes GOD's Word. He was made an angel and was named Lucifer. Because of his disobedience and disconnect from GOD. He was cut off all together from the fellowship of GOD. Lucifer violated GOD's law. He is a distraction to the things of GOD, He is a distraction to the promises of GOD to us, mankind, but is also under subjection to the Almighty GOD, Yahweh. He listens in on our conversations to GOD. He tries every way to get us away from GOD . Therefore, we must equip ourselves with the whole armor of GOD.

    Please read Ephesians 6:10-18
    Paul the apostle writes from prison to the Ephesians. Paul is encouraging them though he is behind bars. Ephesians 6:11 says "Put on the whole armor of GOD, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil"

    We will continue.

    GOD's grace and love,

    Sophia, CT

  13. But Sohia , you didn't answer my question. Where was satan when he was talking with God? In heaven?

  14. Sophia, I do not have my bible at the moment, but if I recall correctly, my NIV says in Job 1:6 that satan went with the angels to God. It doesnt say satan went with the "sons of God". Now...that makes me think...hummm....

  15. Hi Claudette, did you see I changed spelling to name?:)
    Well the King James Version uses "sons of GOD to identify with angels. So GOD met with his angels and Satan being an angel also appeared in their presence. Satan opposes GOD's plans all the time.
    I researched information but let's do this little by little. So Satan showed up with GOD's angels on that specific day.

    Sophia, CT

    1. I am still waiting for you to tell me WHERE did satan and the angles go to meet God? Where was God when they met Him?

  16. Now, Claudette, in helping to understand, I have been reading too. I would like to emphasize the importance of reading the BIBLE. This Book carries all our answers to any question/concern to our relationship with the most High GOD.
    I have learned that I have to be prepared at all time with the Word of GOD to fight away Satan, the Devil. He is also in a spiritual form and comes and will want to attack us in any way, form, shape and size . Do you recall his meeting with JESUS in the wilderness? We should be prepared like a soldier ready for war/battle. The only way is to put on our whole armor of righteousness in CHRIST.
    The event of JOB is powerful b/c everyone turned away from JOB. But he loved GOD; and I consider b/c of his genuine love for GOD helped him to conquer the wiles of Satan. 1 Peter 5:8 says "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" The word Devil = Satan.

    Claudette, do you recall this song? "Onward Christian soldiers, Marching, as to war, with the cross of JESUS going on before. Christ, the royal master, Leads against the foe; Forward into battle, see his banners go! This is not a physical but spiritual battle. JOB's battle manifested physically. He lost everything but was determined to hold on to GOD, with the little strength he had empowered by how much he knew about the almighty.

    GOD's mighty blessings

  17. Hi Sophia. I just checked out your reference to Eph 6. What really caught my eye and what may pertain to my question of where was satan when he met God may be within a verse you quoted in Eph 6. In verse 12 NIV says, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the SPIRITUAL FORCES OF EVIL IN THE HEAVENLY REALMS. I'm not saying this is the answer to my question,but it is confirming there is evil in the heavens. And we know that Satan is evil.
    Claudette. CT

  18. Yes Claudette, Satan is spiritual and evil. You don't see him in a physical form. In the days of Job, JESUS was not yet born into this world. The people who knew JEHOVAH then had to be very clean of any evil activity, deed, thought. Because "Job was perfect and upright and one who feared GOD and eschewed evil" Job 1:1 JEHOVAH blessed him with physical abundance. Job 1:2-4 Job was considered wealthy. Job 1:6-12 (please read) JEHOVAH conversing with Satan. To remind you Satan knows of GOD's plan. He was an angel-Lucifer. Job 1:6 says "the Sons of God present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them" My understanding is that GOD met with HIS trusting angels. Satan, being a spiritual being went in among them. This must be in the heavenly places as the angels "Sons of GOD" are mentioned. Satan is always opposing GOD's work to "try to prove himself" but the BIBLE says "he is limited in power"

    Today as we become born into GOD's family through the blood of HIS son JESUS we must continue to clothe ourselves in the righteousness of GOD James 4:7 "Submit yourselves to GOD. Resist the Devil and He will flee from you" To resist the devil (same Satan) Ephesians 6:10-20 Paul encourages those who know the LORD to protect themselves from the wiles of the devil. Likewise us. Once you become friends with GOD be prepared to stand up for HIM:) Victory is in JESUS, the only way.

    GOD's Blessings

  19. Another Job Question.
    I don't see Job as ever getting angry with God like his friends are accusing him of (15:13, 18:4). I always see him as pleading with God . Anyone agree with me?

    Also, when reading this book, do you also visualize in your mind what is happening? Or, are do you see just the words on the pages? I visualize a scenario. I see Job directing his attention and replies to his friends at times, AND right in front of them, he is directing his attention to God himself at times. I even can see Job as possibly doing this with lifted hands to the heavens. Do you also visualize like me?
    I really have and never had anyone to talk to about this book. Thus, if you can, please comment. Thank you. Claudette CT

    1. I don't see Job getting angry he just excepts whatever God sends his way. Adauto ct
